$250 U.S.
Painted in Acrylic on 9" X 12" 140 lb paper.Buy this art! Send a cash donation to:
Dan Bunch
2236 Co. Rd. 314
Cleburne, TX
Howdy,Snow day is over in Texas! So the day begins very cold. As the overnight winds moved to leave the sky completely clear, the temps dropped into the middle teens this morning.
On days like this I abandon my studio. I don't like to be out by myself in the cold or severe weather. "Severe weather" in Texas does not have the same meaning as in other parts of the nation. High wind in Texas is anything less than what it would take to lift a hundred pound weight off the ground. Rain is anything that is less than a flood. And cold or heat is not even spoken about. That means that, "if you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute", is a "truism" around here.
I once heard a lady say that she was moving back to Minnesota', as she could not stand sweat running down her (backside:)! That is as good an excuse as any I guess, to leave Texas. Living in Texas takes more than many can muster. Not only in physical terms but mainly in mental terms.
Many things not even considered in other parts of the nation are taken as just "granted" here. Nothing is even mentioned here of things such as;
No other nation will attack this nation through TEXAS! (I'll let ya figure that "Why?" one out for yourself)
To go into Mexico from Texas, sometimes you must travel North! (for real!)
Texans (in the countryside) still wave at everyone they meet. (Not waving back gets you noted/stared at!)
A Texan, seeing someone he already knows, will just nod at him, (and remove or tip his hat for her.)
We open doors for everyone. (Some women open the door to restaurants for ME if I am using my cane!)
Neighbors consider your business "Your Business". But they are quick to help always. (One day the neighbor, who I bet I haven't said four words to in a year, jumped the fence and ran to our shop before the sound of an explosion had passed!)
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